Smoked Turkey Legs

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There are so many recipes for turkey legs you might wonder where to start. I always say start with the simplest recipe first and then adjust and modify for your taste. With turkey legs, I love the taste of the turkey with just the added smoke. So, here is my favorite simple recipe for Smoked Turkey Legs.

8 fresh turkey legs. 1 gallon ice water. 1 cup Kosher salt. 1 cup brown sugar. All Purpose Rub. Canola oil. Apple juice. Mix salt & sugar in the ice water. Put legs in a plastic bag and pour brine over. Seal and refrigerate 24 hours. Remove from brine, rinse and pat dry with paper towels and allow to come to room temperature, about 1/2 hour. Rub legs with the oil & season with All Purpose Rub. Put into a 225 degree smoker and smoke 6 hours, misting with apple juice every 30 minutes after the 2nd hour. If legs are getting to dark, cover with foil. Allow to cool 30 minutes before serving.

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